To understand the importance of evowater technology, we need to understand the role of water. Water is unavoidable, not only in our daily lives but also in the optimal environmental processes also in its operation. Without water , there is no life and no health. Almost 71% of the Earth is covered by water. the proportion of water in the human body is 70%. Water is also a vehicle for metabolic processes in the human body, animal body and plants. The role of water as a transport medium is huge. It is present in all metabolic processes. As the basis of our cells, blood, digestive juices, water removes nutrients from the digestive system to cells in the form of solutes and then removes water products from the body through the excretory organs. The basic molecule of life, DNA, is denatured by dehydration. It also plays a significant role in the world around us. In the biosphere, it is one of the most important elements of temperature regulation.
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Significance and
role of water,
problems with
today’s water
150-1000 litres of water (transpiration coefficient) is required to build 1-1 kg of dry matter of plant organisms.
Its use in industry as a process water. cooling water and for social purposes is significant.
It plays a role in transport as cooling water, washing water and as a transport medium, in agriculture. It is use as irrigation water and drinking water is significant, but a production medium (fish farming) is significant.
The expansion of the volume of ice causes the physical weathering of the rocks, which is the first step in soil formation and the fact that the ice floats on the water, thus protecting the underlying body of water and wildlife from freezing and cooling. The volumetric work associated with the water source is utilized by a key technical innovation in industrial society, the stream engine and, in newer power plants, the stream turbine. Water dissolves everything that can participate in hydrogen bonding. This is why life – the hydrated state of protein molecules – could have envolved in the ancient oceans, but DNA carrying genetic information would not exist without water.
The oxygen content of the atmosphere, which allowed life to develop, comes from photosynthesis, in which water is an indispensable reaction partner. We could classify the unavoidable role of water to the extreme, but it can also be seen from the short summary that not only its role but also its use and applicability are very diverse. However, when we talk about water, it does not the water is like. Most of the waters used, used and accessible our time and society today are molecularly, non-living terms of structure. Because of this, it doesn’t matter what the water itself is. Today’s technologies include various solutions that treat and energize water.
150-1000 litres of water (transpiration coefficient) is required to build 1-1 kg of dry matter of plant organisms.
Its use in industry as a process water. cooling water and for social purposes is significant.
It plays a role in transport as cooling water, washing water and as a transport medium, in agriculture. It is use as irrigation water and drinking water is significant, but a production medium (fish farming) is significant.
The expansion of the volume of ice causes the physical weathering of the rocks, which is the first step in soil formation and the fact that the ice floats on the water, thus protecting the underlying body of water and wildlife from freezing and cooling. The volumetric work associated with the water source is utilized by a key technical innovation in industrial society, the stream engine and, in newer power plants, the stream turbine. Water dissolves everything that can participate in hydrogen bonding. This is why life – the hydrated state of protein molecules – could have envolved in the ancient oceans, but DNA carrying genetic information would not exist without water.
The oxygen content of the atmosphere, which allowed life to develop, comes from photosynthesis, in which water is an indispensable reaction partner. We could classify the unavoidable role of water to the extreme, but it can also be seen from the short summary that not only its role but also its use and applicability are very diverse. However, when we talk about water, it does not the water is like. Most of the waters used, used and accessible our time and society today are molecularly, non-living terms of structure. Because of this, it doesn’t matter what the water itself is. Today’s technologies include various solutions that treat and energize water.